Magnetic Resonance Imaging

  • Magnetic resonance imaging provides cross-sectional images of brain tissue. It is more detailed than a CT scan
  • The procedure is contraindicated to pregnant women, obesity (more than 300 lbs), claustrophobic patients, patients with metal implants (pacemaker, hip replacements and jewelries)


Mantoux Test

  • Mantoux test is done to determine the exposure to mycobacterium tuberculosis
  • Positive reaction means there is an exposure to the TB bacilli
  • Positive test: induration of 10 mm or more for foreign-born patient and children under 4 years old, and induration of 5 mm or more if the patient is HIV (+), with healed TB and if patient has had contact with a patient with active TB
  • BCG vaccine may cause false positive reaction
  • Assess the patient for previous history of TB and report it to the physician


NCLEX-CGFNS: Mammography


  • Mammography procedure detects the presence of breast tumor
  • Instruct patient not to use deodorant, talcum powder, lotion, perfume and any ointment on the day of the exam since they contain calcium oxalate which may crystallize and may give a false positive result
  • Inform the patient that the breast will be placed between two x-ray plates
  • The procedure is best done a week after menstruation
  • During the procedure, the patient will be positioned on lying down with pillow under the shoulder of the breast being examined



Lung Scan

  • Lung scan determines lung perfusion when pulmonary emboli and infarction are suspected
  • It needs consent
  • Assess patient for allergy to dye, iodine and sea-foods
  • Remove jewelry from the chest area if any
  • Sedative is given as prescribed
  • The procedure involves injection of radioactive isotope into the body
  • Nurse should wear gloves within 24 hour after the procedure when urine is being discarded


Lumbar Puncture

  • Lumbar puncture is a procedure to withdraw CSF and it is used to determine the abnormalities of CSF
  • Empty bladder and bowel before the procedure
  • Place patient on C-position
  • During the procedure, the needle is inserted between L3-L4 or L4-L5
  • After the procedure, increase fluid intake and place the patient on flat position to prevent spinal headache


Liver Biopsy

  • This diagnostic procedure is mainly done to rule out liver disorder
  • Bleeding is a common complication, so obtain the result of hemostatis tests before procedure
  • Patient is positioned on the left side or supine during biopsy
  • To stabilize the position of the liver and to prevent accidental puncture to the diaphragm, instruct patient to inhale, exhale and hold breath during needle insertion
  • Patient is positioned on the right side after biopsy for two hours to prevent hemorrhage
  • Encourage patient to bedrest for 24 hours after biopsy


NCLEX-CGFNS: Laparoscopy

  • Laparoscopy is done to evaluate the pelvic pain and infertility and treat endometriosis lesions
  • Patient should NPO before the procedure
  • Enema is administered prior to procedure
  • Patient will have shoulder and abdominal discomfort after the procedure since the use of carbon dioxide


IVP (Intravenous Pyelography)
  • This diagnostic test is used to visualize the urinary tract
  • It needs consent from patient
  • Patient should NPO for 8-10 hours before the procedure
  • Administer laxative to clear bowels before the procedure
  • The procedure requires the use of iodine base dye
  • Assess patient if has an allergy to iodine, seafoods or shellfish before the procedure
  • Epinephrine should be kept at the bedside to counteract possible allergic reaction
  • Inform patient that salty taste may be experienced during procedure
  • Encourage patient to increase fluid intake after procedure to facilitate excretion of the dye


Incentive Spirometry

  • It is mainly used in the prevention and treatment of atelectasis
  • Patient should be kept in semi-fowler's position
  • Patient should take deep breath slowly and easily from the mouthpiece



  • Hysterosalpingography determines the patency of fallopian tube
  • It also detects pathology in the uterine cavity
  • It is done by x-ray examination and administration of a radiopaque dye into the uterine cavity


Guthrie Capillary Blood Test

  • It is a screening test for phenylketonuria
  • Normal level of phenylketonuria is 2 mg/dl
  • Patient should take a high protein diet 24-48 hour before the test


Glucose Tolerance Test

  • Glucose tolerance test is done to confirm the presence of sugar in the blood
  • Procedure: patient take high carbohydrate diet 24-48 hours before the procedure is done.
  • Blood is drawn after an overnight fast


Gastric Analysis
  • This procedure is done to assess ulcers or to rule out pernicious anemia
  • It also used to analyze acidity, appearance and volume of gastric secretions
  • Gastric samples should be refrigerated if not tested within four hours
  • HCL is normal in gastric ulcer and will be elevated in duodenal ulcer


Fetal Heart Monitoring

Fetal heart monitoring is done to assess fetal heart rate abnormalities. There are there types of result:

Early Decelerations
  • It indicates fetal head compression
  • Mirror image is reflected on monitor
  • No specific treatment is required

Late decelerations
  • It indicates placental insufficiency
  • Reverse mirror image is reflected on monitor
  • Patient needs oxygen administration

Variable decelerations
  • It indicates cord compression
  • U or W shape image is seen on monitor
  • Nursing interventions: change the patient position to left lateral recumbent and administer oxygen


NCLEX-CGFNS: Endoscopy (Gastroscopy, Esophagoscopy)

  • This procedure is done to assess the esophagus and the stomach by inserting a tube into them
  • It needs an informed consent
  • Remove patient’s denture if any
  • Patient should be in NPO 6-8 hours before the procedure of endoscopy and resume feeding after gag reflex returns


NCLEX-CGFNS: Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio Pancreatography (ERCP)

  • It provides radiographic visualization of the bile and pancreatic ducts
  • It is used to diagnose problems in the liver, gallbladder, bile ducts, and pancreas
  • It is contraindicated in pancreatitis
  • Patient should be kept in NPO before and after the procedure
  • Keep narcan at the bedside
  • There might be hoarse and sore throat several days after the procedure


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